NACI provides strong recommendation for PREVNAR 20


KIRKLAND – The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recently provided a strong recommendation for PREVNAR 20 for the following adult populations who have not been previously immunized with a pneumococcal vaccine or whose vaccination status is unknown:

  • Adults ≥65 years of age
  • Adults 50-64 years of age living with risk factors placing them at higher risk of pneumococcal disease.
  • Adults who are 18-49 years of age living with immunocompromising conditions.

This is the first time that NACI has provided a strong recommendation (other than in adults with immunocompromising conditions) for a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine to be considered for a publicly funded program. “Immunization with PREVNAR 20 can play an important role in helping to reduce the burden of pneumococcal disease in adults,” says Ana Gabriela Grajales, Medical Affairs Primary Care and Hospital Lead at Pfizer Canada. “This recommendation further supports the importance of PREVNAR 20 in helping protect Canadian adults against pneumococcal disease caused by the serotypes included in the vaccine.”