Rare nose cancer and its cure


Singapore – Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is a disease that develops from tissues in the nasopharynx, the passageway behind the nose that connects to the respiratory system and the ear. It predominantly affects Chinese individuals, particularly those of southern Chinese heritage, and is more prevalent in males aged 30 to 60. According to Dr Donovan Eu, a consultant in Otolaryngology, “Nose cancer is fairly common in Singapore and Southeast Asia, and mostly affects Chinese people.” The NPC is a disease that develops from tissues in the nasopharynx, the passageway behind the nose that connects to the respiratory system and the ear. It predominantly affects Chinese individuals, particularly those of southern Chinese heritage, and is more prevalent in males aged 30 to 60. According to Dr Donovan Eu, a consultant in Otolaryngology, “Nose cancer is fairly common in Singapore and Southeast Asia, and mostly affects Chinese people.”