How Canada’s pollution pricing system works?

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Every day, we see the increasing impacts of climate change, and they’re costing Canadians more and more. Climate-related impacts are already costing average Canadian households $720 per year and are likely to rise to $2,000 per year by 2050 without significant action to reduce emissions. A price on pollution is widely recognized as the most efficient means to …

Federal Govt Reducing Everyday Costs

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The government is taking action to make life cost less and put more money back in your pocket. Our economic plan is reducing everyday costs, cracking down on hidden fees, strengthening competition—especially in the grocery sector, making banking easier and more affordable and helping all communities. Key measures in the 2024 Fall Economic Statement to reduce everyday costs include: A …

Minister Valdez kicks off Small Business Week 2024

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Rechie Valdez, Minister of Small Business, made the following statement in recognition of Small Business Week: “Small Business Week is a great occasion to celebrate Canada’s incredible small businesses. They may be small, but they have a huge impact. They make up 98% of all businesses in Canada, account for nearly half of the country’s private sector jobs …

Canada Carbon Rebate rural top-up, 2024 and 2025

eAwazLocal News

Ensuring carbon pollution pricing helps make life more affordable Ottawa – A price on pollution is widely recognized as the most efficient means to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to the more intense wildfires, droughts, and floods caused by climate change. Canada’s approach to pollution pricing is also designed to put money back into people’s pockets. Putting …

Canada Carbon Rebates coming next month

eAwazLocal News

Gatineau – Canadians expect their governments to take action on climate change and address affordability concerns. Putting a price on carbon while sending rebates to Canadians is the most cost-effective way to fight climate change. Affordability is front and centre in this system, which puts money into the bank accounts of Canadian families. The Canada Carbon Rebate is made possible …

Canada Carbon Rebate amounts for 2024-25

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – In provinces that request it or do not have their own carbon pricing system that meets the federal benchmark, a federal fuel charge is put in place. Currently, the fuel charge applies in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. All direct proceeds are returned within the …