Toronto breaks ground on affordable homes at 35 Bellevue Ave

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – Mayor Olivia Chow was joined by Councillor Dianne Saxe (University-Rosedale) to announce the start of construction on the City of Toronto’s affordable and supportive housing project at 35 Bellevue Ave. This marks the second project delivered through the Public Developer Delivery model to break ground this week.  Operated by the Kensington Market Community Land Trust (KMCLT) and St. …

Toronto invites residents to become Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions


Toronto – The City of Toronto is inviting residents and community leaders to become Neighbourhood Climate Action Champions, a role that helps to inspire local participation and climate initiatives. Participants will receive training and support to empower them to work with residents and develop climate action projects that reduce greenhouse gases and reflect the needs and values of their communities. …