CRTC takes action to improve Internet services in Far North

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa–The CRTC is taking a major step forward to help make Internet services more reliable and affordable for residents of the Far North. Following a robust, multi-phase public consultation that engaged Far North residents, businesses, Indigenous communities and other groups, the CRTC is announcing three key actions to help improve services in the region. First, the CRTC is requiring Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel), …

CRTC consults on market dynamics within Canada’s broadcasting system

eAwazLocal News

Gatineau—The CRTC is taking another step forward to implement the modernized Broadcasting Act (the Act) by launching a public consultation on market dynamics within Canada’s broadcasting system. Through this consultation, the CRTC will explore the dynamics between small, medium and large broadcasters, television service providers and online streaming services. The goal is to help ensure that Canada’s broadcasting system is sustainable, …

CRTC to bring fibre Internet to 16 rural communities in Manitoba

eAwazLocal News

Gatineau – Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) The CRTC is taking action to bring high-speed fibre Internet to 16 rural communities in Manitoba. In 2019, the CRTC launched the Broadband Fund to help connect rural, remote, and Indigenous communities across Canada. To date, the fund has improved high-speed Internet and cellphone service in 270 communities, connecting essential institutions such as schools, …

CRTC takes action to improve cellphone service along 8 major roads

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The CRTC is taking action to improve cellphone service along nearly one hundred kilometres of major roads in Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, and Ontario. Better coverage will help make it safer for Canadians to travel along these roads. In 2019, the CRTC launched the Broadband Fund to help connect rural, remote, and Indigenous communities across Canada. To date, the fund …

Online streaming services asked to contribute to broadcasting system

eAwazLocal News

Gatineau – The CRTC is taking a major step forward in the implementation of the Online Streaming Act (formerly Bill C-11). The Online Streaming Act, which amended the Broadcasting Act, requires the CRTC to modernize the Canadian broadcasting framework and ensure that online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content. Immediately after the new legislation was adopted, the CRTC published a regulatory plan and launched …

CRTC acts to bring high-speed Internet to all Nunavut communities 

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The CRTC is taking action to bring high-speed satellite Internet service to all communities in Nunavut for the first time. In 2019, the CRTC launched the Broadband Fund to help connect underserved rural, remote and Indigenous communities across Canada. To date, the Broadband Fund has committed over $300 million to improve high-speed Internet and cellphone services in more than 230 …

Takes key steps to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa–The CRTC is advancing its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content. On May 12, 2023, the CRTC launched its first public consultations. After thoroughly examining all the evidence on the public record, including over 200 interventions, the CRTC is issuing its first two decisions. First, the CRTC …

CRTC adds Natyf TV to basic TV package in Quebec

eAwazLocal News

Gatineau – Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Today, the CRTC approved NATYF’s application to add its television service, Natyf TV, to Quebec’s basic TV package, serving Francophone racialized communities who currently do not have access to this service on basic TV. The channel offers programming reflecting interests of French-speaking communities, while providing a platform for new content creators from …

Canadian Digital Regulators Forum established to better serve community

eAwazLocal News

GATINEAU – The Competition Bureau (Bureau), the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) are joining forces to strengthen information sharing and collaboration on matters that relate to digital markets and platforms. Through the creation of the Canadian Digital Regulators Forum, the three agencies will exchange best practices, conduct research, and …

CRTC takes action to ensure more choice of cellphone services

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa- The CRTC has taken a major step forward to increase cellphone service competition in Canada. In 2021, the CRTC set an initial policy that allows regional cellphone providers to compete as mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) across Canada. Under this policy, large cellphone companies must share their networks with competitors. With access to larger networks, regional competitors will be …