Healthy meals for kids, savings for families in Northwest Territories, BC, PEI, Qubec

ShaziaLocal News

Yellowknife –  No kid should go to school hungry. And in the Northwest Territories, PEI, and BC where food prices are among the highest in the country, getting kids a full breakfast before they head out the door or packing school lunches is not always an easy task. That’s why school food programs are so important. They provide healthy meals …

Building more child care spaces for families in Manitoba

eAwazLocal News

Winnipeg – Families across Canada rely on access to high-quality, affordable, and inclusive child care. That is why the federal government and Manitoba are working together to create more early learning and child-care spaces to meet the needs of children and families no matter where they live. The federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jenna Sudds, and the …