TPH reports 1st case of West Nile Virus, what’s the cure


Toronto – Toronto Public Health (TPH) has reported its first probable human case of West Nile virus (WNV) in an adult resident this year. WNV is an infection transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Residents can take the following steps to help protect themselves from WNV: Wearing light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants when outdoors. Applying an …

TPH confirms 1st mosquitos to test positive for West Nile virus in 2024


Toronto – Toronto Public Health (TPH) has confirmed that a batch of mosquitoes collected in Toronto have tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). These mosquitoes are the first to test positive for WNV – an infection transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito – in Toronto this year.  TPH conducts mosquito surveillance from mid-June to mid-September …

When to bring your child to hospital emergency department in Montreal


Certain situations not described here may require to bring your child to a hospital emergency room. WHEN TO BRING YOUR CHILD TO A HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM General condition Your child falls asleep for no reason during their activities and is hard to wake up. They are very irritable or inconsolable. Your child becomes pale and very weak indeed. Your child …

The next pandemic: Nipah virus, what’s the cure?


Kerala – Nipah virus can kill as many as three out of four people it infects. Since the fruit bat that carries the virus often comes into contact with humans, here we explain why the development of drugs and vaccines for the disease is becoming increasingly more urgent. Nipah virus can kill as many as three in four people it …

Toronto Public Health confirms 1st mosquitos to test positive for West Nile virus in 2023


Toronto – Toronto Public Health (TPH) has received confirmation of one batch of mosquitoes that tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). These mosquitoes were collected from a northwest Scarborough location and are the first to test positive for WNV – an infection transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito – in Toronto this year. TPH conducts …

Ontario Promotes Key Sectors During Trade Mission to NYC

eAwazLocal News

Province highlights world-class workforce in meetings with U.S. companies TORONTO — The Ontario government has concluded a successful business mission to New York City to promote the province’s financial services, information technology and life sciences sectors, and explore new opportunities for investment and job creation. The mission, led by Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, included …