Canadians benefit from mortgage relief measures

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Canadians with mortgages from federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs) benefitted from more than 8,000 mortgage relief measures between July 5, 2023, and June 30, 2024. These relief measures enabled mortgage holders to avoid more than $4,000,000 in penalties and fees they would have incurred when dealing with late or missed mortgage payments. These results are included in a …

FCAC launches Financial Literacy Month 2024

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – November is Financial Literacy Month. This year, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) is launching a Canada-wide campaign to destigmatize conversations about money. Many Canadians find it difficult to discuss money and finances with family and friends for fear of being judged. To overcome this taboo, FCAC is encouraging Canadians to share their financial experiences with family …

Protecting Canadians with existing mortgages

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) protects Canadians by supervising the compliance of federally regulated financial entities, such as banks, with their legislative obligations, codes of conduct and public commitments, and by strengthening Canadians’ financial literacy. In response to the challenges facing consumers in the current economic environment, FCAC has published a Guideline on Existing Consumer Mortgage Loans …

Strong consumer protection for open banking in Canada

eAwazLocal News

FCAC survey shows Canadians’ knowledge and understanding of open banking is low Ottawa – The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) published a report on the results of its public opinion research into Canadians’ awareness and understanding of open banking and financial technology (fintech) services. As part of its mandate, FCAC monitors and evaluates trends and emerging issues that affect …