Toronto – Canada is home to some of the best doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals in the world. However, the health sector is a demanding field with challenging working conditions. These workforce challenges are not only affecting the hard-working healthcare workers we rely on but also patients, who are experiencing long wait times for surgeries, emergency room closures, and difficulties …
Investments made to build more homes for Canadians
Edmonton – The federal government recently delivered Budget 2024: Fairness for Every Generation. It is a plan to build a Canada that works better for everyone, where younger generations can get ahead, where their hard work pays off, and where they can buy a home—where everyone has a fair chance at a good middle class life. Today Minister of Employment, Workforce …
Helping int’lly educated health care professionals work in Yukon
Whitehorse – Across Canada, Canadians are facing labour shortages and the demand for qualified workers continues to grow. Long wait times and difficulty finding a family physician are far too common for people across the country. That is why the Government of Canada is investing to speed up accreditation for internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs). Rechie Veldez, Minister of Small Business, …
Helping 6600 internally educated healthcare professionals
Winnipeg – Across Canada, Canadians are facing labour shortages and the demand for qualified workers continues to grow. Long wait times and difficulty finding a family physician are far too common for people across the country. That is why the Government of Canada is investing to speed up accreditation for internationally educated health professionals (IEHP). Minister of Employment, Workforce Development …