Reducing health inequities in Canada


Ottawa – The Intersectoral Action Fund (ISAF) is the first Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) program explicitly dedicated to support collective action across sectors on the social determinants of health to reduce health inequities. This grant program seeks to strengthen capacity and build knowledge and tools to enable partners to work together across sectors to advance action on the social …

Toronto on new strategy focused on mental health, substance use


Toronto – City of Toronto unveiled “Our Health, Our City: A Mental Health, Substance Use, Harm Reduction, and Treatment Strategy for Toronto.” This comprehensive strategy highlights the City’s dedication to mitigating substance use-related harms and fostering mental health and well-being for all residents of Toronto. The strategic release aligns with National Addictions Awareness Week, observed from November 19 to 25, focusing …

Health Ministers talk on rising Overdose Crisis in Canada


Ottawa – Recent release of the national data on opioid and stimulant-related harms is evidence that the overdose crisis, and the increasingly toxic illegal drug supply, continue to have a devastating impact on individuals, communities and families across Canada. Our hearts go out to all those who have lost loved ones to this crisis. Tragically, between January and December 2022, an average …

Disrupting illegal importation of precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The overdose crisis, and the increasingly toxic illegal drug supply, continue to have devastating impacts on individuals, communities and families across Canada. This toxic drug supply is contaminated with illegally produced, highly potent opioids, such as fentanyl, with nearly 75% of accidental apparent opioid toxicity deaths in Canada since 2017 involving fentanyl or fentanyl-related substances. The Government of Canada is working with our departments and …