Celebrating National Indigenous History Month


TORONTO — Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs, released the following statement in recognition of National Indigenous History Month: “June marks National Indigenous History Month, a time dedicated to honouring the legacies, traditions, and invaluable contributions of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities in Ontario and across Canada. This month, take the opportunity to get involved by attending local events, …

Overcoming economic barriers in Canada

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services, convened an economic reconciliation roundtable at the Bank of Canada between Indigenous leaders from National Indigenous Organizations and economic institutions, executives from Canadian banks and the financial sector, and federal Ministers and senior officials to identify opportunities to reduce economic barriers for Indigenous Peoples and advance economic reconciliation. Conversations focused on seeking …

Feds announce investments in sport for Indigenous communities

eAwazSports News

VICTORIA – The Government of Canada is committed to supporting First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities in building strong and healthy communities through sport and physical activity. Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Physical Activity, announced $12.65 million in investments through the Sport for Social Development in Indigenous Communities (SSDIC) program to support the creation of more sport and physical …

What is Canada’s preparedness against AIDS?


Ottawa – December 1 marks World AIDS Day and the beginning of Indigenous AIDS Awareness Week. We remember those we lost to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and recognize the strength and resilience of those living with HIV. This year’s global theme “Let Communities Lead” acknowledges the fundamental role that community organizations play in supporting those at risk of, or affected by, HIV. The Government …

Making impact at Adaptation Futures Conference

eAwazLocal News

Montreal – Northern and Indigenous communities are facing some of the harshest effects of climate change. Investing in adaptation measures will help keep them safe, create economic opportunities, and help avoid the steep and rising costs caused by increasingly extreme weather. Many Indigenous communities are already leading the way to building a more climate-resilient future through climate monitoring, adaptation solutions, …