Canada decarbonizing global cement and concrete sector

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The cement and concrete industry is a major economic driver and a cornerstone of the global economy, but it also produces significant greenhouse gas emissions. While global action to deploy the technologies needed to fight climate change has increased, greater international cooperation is needed to get the world on track to meet climate goals. François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of …

Minister Guilbeault leads delegation to UN COP28 Conference 

eAwazCanada News

Gatineau – Canada is successfully bending the curve on the emissions that fuel climate change through a comprehensive, economy-wide set of solutions that include pollution pricing, historic investments in clean industry, clean electricity, less polluting transportation, cutting methane emissions, and reducing plastic waste, all bolstered by better nature protections and the first National Adaptation Strategy for dealing with the impacts …

Canada, Germany confirm contributors on track to meet $100b climate finance goal 

eAwazCanada News

Gatineau – Canada continues to play a leadership role on the world stage, driving ambitious action with international partners to fight climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, co-hosted a meeting with Jennifer Morgan, German State Secretary and Special Envoy for International Climate Action, and a group of contributors to take stock of …