City of Saint John invests in Harbour Passage trails

eAwazLocal News

Saint John — Residents will soon have increased access by active transportation to Saint John’s waterfront, shopping district and tourist destinations via an extension to the Harbour Passage Trail thanks to a combined investment of nearly $1.5 million from the federal government and the City of Saint John. Announced by Member of Parliament Wayne Long and Mayor Donna Reardon, this project will provide …

Funding announced for active transportation projects in 2 Yukon communities

eAwazLocal News

Whitehorse— Active transportation projects will provide healthy and convenient travel options in Whitehorse and Watson Lake, after a combined investment of more than $14 million from the governments of Canada and Yukon and communities. Announced by MP Brendan Hanley, Minister Nils Clarke, and Mayor Laura Cabott, these projects will help residents stay active and get around through cleaner, safer, and …

Investing in safe transportation options under Alaska Highway

eAwazLocal News

Whitehorse – Dr Brendan Hanley, Member of Parliament for Yukon, announced a federal investment of $50,000 to support community-led efforts to study active transportation in two neighbourhoods along the Alaska Highway in Whitehorse. The Alaska Highway divides Whitehorse and creates a barrier to accessing services, community recreational facilities, schools and impacts the movements of residents of all ages. This investment …