Launching Mobile Skilled Trades Classrooms

eAwazLocal News

Interactive Trades & Tech Trucks will bring simulators and hands-on activities to nearly half a million people across the province TORONTO — The Ontario government is investing $5.4 million to design and build three mobile tech classrooms that will travel across the province and teach students and young people about the skilled trades. The classrooms, built and operated by Skills Ontario, …

Ontario Training Next Generation of Shipbuilders in Hamilton

eAwazLocal News

New investment will help workers earn more money and attract new jobs to the region HAMILTON — The Ontario government is investing over $3.7 million to help 300 shipyard workers, apprentices, and jobseekers in Hamilton and Port Weller get the training they need to earn bigger paycheques for themselves and their families. This funding will help modernize Ontario’s shipyards to attract …

Ontario Launches Free Job Training for Newcomers

eAwazLocal News

New projects will help more than 300 people find meaningful work in their communities OTTAWA — The Ontario government is investing $2.6 million in four free training projects to help more than 300 newcomers, including displaced Afghans and Ukrainians, find meaningful jobs with local employers. Ontario welcomes more immigrants than any other province each year, and research has shown that helping internationally-trained newcomers …

Creating Job-Protected Leave for Injured Military Reservists

eAwazLocal News

Changes would guarantee reservists can return to their civilian careers after recovery and treatment from mental and physical injuries TORONTO – The Ontario government is working for workers by introducing new legislation that, if passed, would guarantee military reservists can return to their civilian jobs after deployment, even if they need additional time off to recover from physical or mental injuries. …