Flu, RSV, new Covis XBB vaccines be available this fall


TORONTO — Ontario is reminding everyone to stay safe this respiratory illness season and prevent unnecessary visits to the hospital by staying up to date on vaccinations. Ontarians are encouraged to get their flu and COVID-19 shots as soon as they are available to them. “Our government is making sure Ontarians can connect to tools they need to keep themselves …

Peel Region’s Black Community to Connect to Care Close to Home


New $25 million hub making it easier to connect to care and social services in one convenient location BRAMPTON — The Ontario government is investing $25 million to create the Peel Black Health & Social Services Hub, a full-service location for Black individuals and families to conveniently access health care and social services in one place, close to home. The …

New Youth Wellness Hub Now Open in Sarnia


Ontario is making it faster and easier for youth in Sarnia-Lambton to access mental health services closer to home SARNIA — The Ontario government is celebrating the opening of a new Youth Wellness Hub in Sarnia, making it faster and easier for young people in and around Lambton County to connect to mental health, substance use and primary care closer …

New Mental Health Services Now Open in Sioux Lookout


16 new supportive treatment beds will connect people with addictions challenges to the care they need close to home SIOUX LOOKOUT — The Ontario government, in partnership with the Sioux Lookout Friendship Accord and Kenora District Services Board, has opened 16 new supportive treatment beds in Sioux Lookout to connect people and families in the region facing mental health and …

Expanding Access to Midwifery Services in Ontario


$8.2 million investment making it faster and easier to connect to midwifery care close to home TORONTO — The Ontario government is investing $8.27 million for new and expanded midwifery services across the province that will connect thousands of families to faster care in their own community. This funding includes $4.82 million to expand midwifery services in community health centres, …

Ontario Doing Even More to Grow its Health Care Workforce


KITCHENER — The Ontario government is continuing to create new pathways to connect more people to care across the province, both for now and for future generations. As part of Your Health: A Plan for Connected and Convenient Care, the government is launching three new programs that will break down barriers for internationally educated physicians to work in Ontario, retain more …

Ontario Reducing Wait Times in Emergency Departments


$44 million investment helping people get faster access to care in EDs across the province OTTAWA — The Ontario government is investing an additional $44 million this year in 165 high volume and smaller emergency departments to reduce wait times and provide people with faster and easier access to timely care close to home. This funding is in addition to …

Connecting Children and Youth to Care Close to Home

eAwazLocal News

$330 million annual boost in spending expands pediatric services in communities across the province OTTAWA — The Ontario government is investing an additional $330 million each year in pediatric health services to connect children and youth to more convenient and high-quality care close to home at hospitals, clinics and community-based health care facilities across Ontario. With this new investment, over …

Accessing Health Care in Northern Communities


Three new Northeastern Ontario Health Teams will better connect and coordinate care for people in their community SUDBURY — The Ontario government has approved three new Ontario Health Teams in Northeastern Ontario that will break down barriers to better connect people to care within their community. By working together, Ontario Health Teams ensure people can move between health care providers …

Ontario Building Modern Facilities at Timmins & District Hospital


Investments in critical upgrades and repairs connecting Ontarians to care, closer to home TIMMINS — The Ontario government is investing $2 million this year through the Health Infrastructure Renewal Fund to help Timmins and District Hospital complete critical upgrades and repairs that will create a safer, more comfortable space for people and their families connecting to care and services at …