Toronto commemorated World Water Day


Toronto – Mayor Olivia Chow proclaimed World Water Day with a special presentation acknowledging Toronto Water’s 150-year history and significance to the city. In 1874, the sale of the privately owned Toronto Water Company to the City was finalized by provincial legislation, creating the current municipal water system. The Mayor’s World Water Day proclamation is available on the City’s Proclamations webpage. …

Toronto approves interim rate increase for services next year

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – Toronto City Council approved a planned three per cent interim increase in rates and fees for Solid Waste Management Services and Toronto Water. This will maintain current service levels, provide adequate funds for future capital needs and will help avoid a more significant increase when the budget is approved. The interim rates and fees will take effect Monday, …

Moderate raises proposed for Solid Waste Management Services in Toronto

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – City of Toronto proposed an interim three per cent increase to the rates and fees for Solid Waste Management Services and Toronto Water. Once approved by City Council, these interim rates and fees will take effect Monday, January 1, 2024, and are temporary until City Council considers the 2024 rate-supported operating and capital budgets in February 2024. The …