Toronto closing outdoor ice rinks 


Toronto – Residents are encouraged to enjoy the last stretch of outdoor winter skating before ice rinks close for the season. As a result of warmer temperatures, the City of Toronto is planning to close the remaining outdoor artificial ice rinks and skating trails in neighbourhoods and communities across Toronto by March 17. Residents and visitors are encouraged to check …

Toronto launches listings for  return of spring recreation plans


Toronto – Program listings are now available online for residents to prepare for next month’s registration for the City of Toronto’s spring recreation programs, and can be found on the City’s Spring Recreation webpage. Spring programming begins the week of March 30 and will run through to June. Registration for spring recreation programs starts at 7 a.m. on the following …

Toronto outdoor rinks open until Sunday 

eAwazSports News

Toronto – With warmer spring weather on the way, the City of Toronto is encouraging people to enjoy the final days of the 2022/23 outdoor skating season will end this Sunday, March 19. Throughout winter, the City’s supervised outdoor ice rinks were visited more than 500,000 times during their nearly 62,000 hours of operation. Sunday evening, the City will begin …