CBSA’s reporting requirements when coming to Canada

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – Calling all hikers, runners, cyclists, hunters, fishers, campers, horseback riders, ATV riders and boaters! With the warmer weather returning, the CBSA wants to remind you of your responsibilities when it comes to crossing the border into Canada. Whether coming to Canada by land or water, following these guidelines will help ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for all: …

Preventing invasive Zebra, Quagga Mussels on west coast


Vancouver – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is committed to preventing the introduction, establishment, and spread of aquatic invasive species, including Zebra and Quagga Mussels. In May 2023, DFO announced $8.75 million in contribution funding over five years as part of the newly created Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Fund (AISPF). The AISPF funds eligible organizations and projects that focus on preventing the introduction …