Every Child Deserves a Chance at Life

eAwazYouth Zone

Karachi – In the US and other developed, high-income countries, the childhood cancer survival rate is over 80%. The 30% survival rate in Pakistan is in stark contrast since more than half of the children never receive the essential treatment they need or are unable to complete their treatment due to financial constraints and lack of resources.

Indus Hospital & Health Network has been at the forefront of addressing childhood cancer in Pakistan, providing comprehensive, free care through its Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (PHO) Department at the Korangi Campus. The 85-bed facility is one of the largest pediatric oncology units in Pakistan, treating over 1100 new cases annually and conducting 150+ daily chemotherapy sessions and blood transfusions.

IHHN has helped over 12,000 children beat cancer and is committed to achieving a 70% childhood cancer survival rate by 2030. Please join Indus Development Foundation to support IHHN in achieving this goal.  Support them in providing accessible healthcare for children with cancer. Sponsor one chemotherapy treatment for just $25 today.