Toronto Public Health releases 2022 data for deaths of homeless people

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – Toronto Public Health (TPH) released data related to the deaths of people experiencing homelessness in 2022. Overall, homelessness continues to negatively impact health outcomes of individuals, resulting in 187 reported deaths in 2022. This total is lower than the 223 deaths reported in 2021 but remains higher than the 128 deaths reported before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019. …

Creating Job-Protected Leave for Injured Military Reservists

eAwazLocal News

Changes would guarantee reservists can return to their civilian careers after recovery and treatment from mental and physical injuries TORONTO – The Ontario government is working for workers by introducing new legislation that, if passed, would guarantee military reservists can return to their civilian jobs after deployment, even if they need additional time off to recover from physical or mental injuries. …

Minister Vandal announces clean energy investments in 5 Nunavut communities

eAwazLocal News

Baker Lake – Across the country, Indigenous-led clean energy projects are growing local economies and creating good jobs, all while fighting climate change. By adopting clean energy alternatives, communities are protecting their land and water, increasing economic opportunities, and improving their health and wellbeing. The Government of Canada is investing in these projects to help reduce the use of costly …

Expanding employment opportunities for racialized newcomer women

eAwazLocal News

Vancouver—Every woman and girl in Canada should have the opportunity to reach their full potential and overcome the unique barriers that can sometimes stand in their way. These barriers can be particularly significant for racialized newcomer women. That’s why the Government of Canada is helping racialized newcomer women find jobs by providing the support and services they need to succeed. …

Farmers, ranchers, processors supported by new partnership

eAwazLocal News

Victoria – BC farmers and food processors will receive increased food security support over the next 5 years through a new agreement between the governments of Canada and British Columbia. The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) will provide increased support for an innovative, adaptive and resilient agricultural sector in British Columbia. Through Sustainable CAP, more than $140 million will …

Ontario Celebrates Excellence in Legal Writing

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa Law Professor Carissima Mathen Awarded Mundell Medal TORONTO ­– The Ontario government has awarded the 2022 David Walter Mundell Medal for excellence in legal writing to Carissima Mathen. Carissima Mathen is one of Canada’s leading experts in constitutional law and a law professor at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law Common Law Section. Her written work demonstrates a commitment …

Bringing high-speed internet access to 299 households in Campbellville

eAwazLocal News

Residents to benefit from increased connectivity to high-speed internet Ontario – All Canadians need reliable, affordable high-speed internet, no matter where they live. That is why the governments of Canada and Ontario are taking action to bring high-speed internet access to unserved and underserved communities across the province. Adam van Koeverden, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and to …

Canada announces funding to help empower survivors of human trafficking

eAwazLocal News

Toronto – Human trafficking is a devastating crime that disproportionately affects women and girls. Traffickers exert control over victims in a range of ways to get them to do something that they are unwilling to do. It can involve physical, sexual or emotional violence, but it can also involve financial control and fraud. The Government of Canada is committed to …

Ontario Promotes Key Sectors During Trade Mission to Texas

eAwazLocal News

Province’s dynamic automotive and technology sectors highlighted at South by Southwest TORONTO — The Ontario government has concluded a successful trade mission to Texas to promote the province’s growing automotive and technology sectors and to explore new opportunities for investments and job creation. The mission, led by Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, included the province’s …

Investing in State-of-Art Research to Support Farmers

eAwazLocal News

Renewed collaboration with University of Guelph and Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario driving innovation ELORA — The Ontario government is investing more than $343 million over five years to support agri-food research and innovation. The investments are being made through a new agreement with the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, a collaboration between the province, the University of Guelph and the …