Ontario, Toronto Getting More Homes Built Near Transit

eAwazLocal News

Province and city working together to increase housing density and affordability

TORONTO – Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Olivia Chow, Mayor of Toronto, released the following statement: “Ontario and Toronto are building on their historic new deal agreement by taking action to build tens of thousands of more homes of all types, including affordable housing.

“Working in close partnership with the city, the province has approved Official Plan Amendment 591 as proposed by the city, which will deliver 8,000 more homes of all kinds for people across the city while also supporting the attraction and retention of jobs and investment to support the growth of Toronto’s economy. We will continue to work together to come to agreement on the remaining official plan amendment decisions. Together we will provide certainty and avoid unnecessary delays to shovels getting in the ground in order to build more homes of all kinds, increasing height and density around transit and creating more affordable housing options for people.

“With an extensive existing subway network and with construction underway on the new Ontario Line, Toronto is well-positioned to align new home construction with new and existing transit. More density near transit in turn means more riders and more fares, which, along with the hundreds of millions of dollars in transit funding provided to Toronto through the new deal, will help make the TTC more sustainable for future generations. This collaborative approach will help Toronto achieve or exceed its housing targets and make life easier and more convenient for the millions of people who live, visit and work in the city every day.”