Canada to rebuild Atlantic salmon populations, their habitats


Ontario – Wild Atlantic salmon holds an iconic status in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. They are deeply intertwined with Indigenous cultures and are vital to ecosystem health. Fisheries and Oceans Canada recognizes the decline of Atlantic salmon and is responding to Indigenous communities, partners and stakeholders to take action to conserve this important species. Government announced Canada’s first ever conservation strategy to …

Ontario to Combat Hate, Create Safer Communities

eAwazLocal News

TORONTO — The Ontario government is investing $12.75 million this year to help address the rise of hate incidents and keep communities safe across the province. This is part of the government’s $25.5 million investment over two years in the new Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant to help faith-based and cultural organizations implement measures to ensure their community spaces remain safe and …

Canada releases first national-level disaster risk assessment

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The rising frequency and severity of natural disasters is a growing concern. In recent years, Canadians have seen extreme weather events, like floods and wildland fires, destroy homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure, and leave lasting impacts on communities right across the country. As Canada and the world continue to experience these disasters, it is crucial to increase risk …