Canadian Ministers tackle issues during Mental Health Week


Ottawa – Mental Health Week reminds us that our mental health is just as important as our physical health and there are things we can do every day to take care of our mental wellbeing. This year’s theme, #CompassionConnects, calls on us to be kind to ourselves and others as we experience stressful situations and handle setbacks. We all have …

Canadian Ministers talk on Mental Health, Addictions, Cure


Ottawa – Bell Let’s Talk Day, an annual awareness campaign designed to help promote open conversations about mental health and well-being. This year’s theme, “Let’s create real change,” underscores the continued need to take action. While talking is a great starting point, for us, this initiative has always been about more than that. Together with a diversity of partners, we are …

9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline laucnhed

eAwazLocal News

Ottawa – The 9-8-8-Suicide Crisis Helpline, Canada’s new, national three-digit number for suicide prevention and emotional distress will be available to everyone in Canada. Funded by the Government of Canada and led by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 9-8-8 will be: available by phone and text; provided in English and French; and accessible 24 hours a day, 7 …