10th Canada’s Volunteer Awards ceremony held


Gatineau – Every year volunteers across the country dedicate their time and resources to positively impact their communities. Canada’s Volunteer Awards highlight community leadership and aim to encourage people from across Canada to make a difference in their communities through volunteering, while developing innovative solutions to tackle social challenges. Today, as we celebrate National Volunteer Week, Jenna Sudds, the Minister …

International Day of Pink


Gatineau – Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, issued the following statement today on the International Day of Pink. “Seventeen years ago, two students in Nova Scotia chose kindness. The seemingly small action turned into a national stance against discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and transmisogyny that continues to garner international attention each year. Reminding us, that anyone …

Share your voice: Apply now to join the Prime Minister’s Youth Council!

eAwazLocal News

GATINEAU – Are you between the ages of 16 and 24? Are you ready to share your voice and become an advisor to the federal government and the Prime Minister of Canada? Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and Marci Ien, Minister of Women and Gender Equality and Youth, are excited to kick off the recruitment campaign for the seventh …

Africville Museum’s travelling exhibit project


HALIFAX – Nova Scotians of African heritage play a fundamental role in Canada’s rich diversity. It is critical that we preserve and share their history. Through its exhibits, the Africville Museum recounts the community’s struggles and triumphs in maintaining its ties despite the challenges, while highlighting the injustices it bravely endured. Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and …

Funding women entrepreneurs to create  equitable digital economy


Toronto – The full and equal participation of women in the economy is essential to Canada’s competitiveness and prosperity. Dismantling the systemic barriers that hold women entrepreneurs back from reaching their full potential leads to more economic independence, while helping to build more resilient communities. Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth attended an event hosted by …

Supporting 34 orgs to advance gender equality in BC & beyond

eAwazLocal News

Vancouver – Gender equality depends on all people having the opportunity to participate fully in Canada’s economic, social and political life. Removing systemic barriers and including all Canadians in the conversations and journey to move gender equality forward will ensure a better future for not only women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ communities but for everyone across the country. Marci Ien, Minister …

Govt announces support for Indigenous women, 2SLGBTQQIA+ in Yukon

eAwazLocal News

Whitehorse – The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls highlighted the underlying systemic causes of ongoing violence against Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people. The COVID-19 pandemic also created unprecedented challenges for victims and survivors seeking help and the frontline organizations that support them. Brendan Hanley, Member of Parliament for Yukon, on behalf of Marci Ien, …

Victim Services of Peel to prevent, address gender-based violence

eAwazLocal News

Brampton – Gender-based violence (GBV) has profound impacts on women and gender-diverse people including costing them their lives. GBV also has serious impacts on our communities. Those at highest risk live in rural and remote areas, are Indigenous women, Black women, women with disabilities, women of colour, gender non-binary and 2SLGBTQI+ people. Preventing and addressing gender-based violence is a crucial …

Menstrual products now available at no cost at federal workplaces


Toronto –  Menstruation is a fact of life, and our workplaces should reflect that. From now federally regulated employers are now required to provide pads and tampons to any employee who needs them while on the job at their workplace. Employers are required to provide these products at no cost to employees in an accessible and private workplace location, such …