Improve mental health by consuming nutritional diet


LA – According to a new research by Lifesum, those who consume fruits, vegetables, seafood, and whole grains are actually 25% to 35% less likely to suffer from depression than persons who follow a high in fat, sugar, and ultra-processed foods Western diet. Signe Svanfeldt, lead nutritionist at Lifesum, said: “Many people don’t realise the link between food and mental …

Foods to avoid bloating


London – Many face bloating. But according to The Telegraph, Dr Megan Rossi, known as The Gut Health Doctor, said in her book Eat Yourself Healthy that many factors contribute to bloating but it can be reduced. She suggested: Going easy on legumes. Whole grains like quinoa, rice, and oats make good substitutes for legumes. Avoid onions and garlic. Avoid fruits …